START to Star
Level: Beginner
- Stand with both feet next to the head of the base. (1)
- Place your shoulders on the feet of the base (2)
- Make a round back (2)
- Bend your knees (3)
- Press into the hands of the base (4)
- Jump up (5)
- Round up into shoulderstand (6)
- Stay in the tuck until you feel you are balanced (7)
- Keep your back straight, don't stick out your bum (7)
- Straighten your legs (8)
- Make your body like a plank (8)
- Soften your shoulders and let them sink into the feet of the base. (8)
- Bend the legs to make it easier for the flyer to come to the floor.
- Stand at the back of the flyer.
- Make sure the flyer doesn’t fall backwards.